
Monday, November 2, 2015

The New Routine is No Routine - #NaBloPoMo 2

I used to look forward to "normal" weeks. Weeks where everyone would go to school and work as forecast for a whole five days, where we didn't have any extras to navigate around. Frankly, they didn't happen often, but they did happen on occasion. Now, I can't claim that they happen at all.

Hannah started sixth grade this year, and with it, many new activities. In addition to last year's involvement with our town's All City Choir on Wednesdays, she's doing an extra choir at middle school on Thursdays. Unless she can't be at All City because she's starting her group bat mitzvah project through our synagogue, which starts this week and runs at the same time. Then she still has religious school on Tuesday afternoons at our synagogue, at the same time that Max has it as well, but on Sundays the timing is staggered and she starts half an hour later and in a different building five minutes away from his. Since Max started staying for extra choir rehearsals himself, that means they end within 10 minutes of each other, so we rush to make both pick ups. That is, if they both go to religious school on the same day, and Marc and I don't have to already attend with one of them for some program or another. And a couple hours later, we head back to synagogue where the kids attend a two hour play rehearsal for an upcoming production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" (Max is one of the brothers, and Hannah got the title role!). Sometimes after that ends, Hannah has Rosh Hodesh, a group for sixth grade girls, or a bat mitzvah-related session. Soon she needs to start bat mitzvah lessons. And Max has piano on Tuesdays and basketball on Saturday mornings, at least for another few weeks, and Thursday afternoons at Hebrew school too. Got it?

Then layer in Marc taking a class one night a week, or occasional evening conference calls I have with clients in other time zones, or the fact that I might be traveling for work, or Board and other meetings Marc and I both attend with frequency, and the never-enough-time dinner we might schedule with friends, and there simply is no normal.

Which, actually, is just fine by me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a hectic schedule. But good luck on NaBloPoMo!
