
Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014: Making an Impact While Treading Water

With just a few days left in 2014, it's time to see how well I did with my 2014 word of the year, Impact. As with 2013's word, "more," I didn't think it would be that difficult for me to have an impact for the year, but I wanted to put more consideration into my actions, and hopefully to spend the year having a stronger effect than I've had in the past.

So how did I do? Well, um, meh. I just did meh. Fine, nothing bad, just nothing that truly spectacular by my account.

2013 was going to be really hard to beat. I finally got promoted to the role I'd wanted for years, the kids were both in the same school and doing really well there, we went to Israel and I had the Having It All Project and got published by The New York Times. Super duper banner year.

2014 has felt a lot like treading water. My job was fine, but it didn't have the growth that I'd expected to unfold in a dynamic yet organic way. The kids are in their second (and final, ever) year at the same school, so there were no major transitions for either of them. We didn't go on any big trips or major adventures. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER was fabulous, and I really loved my piece, but it left me wanting even more. Health-wise I've taken some steps, but the exercise piece just hasn't happened for me. I had a column published in The Jewish Advocate, and two syndicated pieces on BlogHer. With two months of posting here every day, I'll have met my goal of posting more each year, which is really big considering I had 50 "Having It All Project" posts last year. But taken on the whole, with a big word like "impact?"


I've already received next year's word engraved on a stone, and it will sit alongside "impact" on my nightstand. I'll be sharing my word with you soon. I feel as if I'm lowering my expectations for 2015 though. I think maybe I had my sights set too high this year. Or maybe it's time to be considering the next big thing.

What about you? Was 2014 all you thought it might be?

1 comment:

  1. Funny because my word for 2015 is "more." I think your 2014 was filled with great accomplishments and next year will even be better! Life ebbs and flows. Here's hoping you make the impact you're looking for...even if it takes a few months longer!
