
Saturday, May 31, 2014

I Made It! #NaBloPoMo

It's the last day of May, and once I hit publish, I'll have posted something here every day this month. It's a thing, "National Blog Posting Month," and most people do it in November, but I needed a post-LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER challenge, and so I imposed this on myself. And I truly did write most days this month, though there were a few posts written in advance and scheduled.

So what have I learned? A few things.

1. I actually do have time for a bit of writing on most days. Some days I clearly phoned it in, but I had a few hundred words to spare a lot of the time.
2. Coming up with a daily topic is a challenge. I didn't just want to write something that happened that day, or post just a photo and a bit of text, I wanted to try to write. Some posts are better than others.
3. But, posting every day meant I had the chance to try out different things. I talked about clothes. I talked about music. I talked about email. I talked about diabetes. I told you a bit about when I got engaged, and shared a memory from overnight camp. It's fun not having to stick to a niche, and to share different parts of who I am.
4. I cared a LOT less about promoting posts. With something new every day, you either read or you didn't, and maybe you'd catch the next one. If I only write once or twice a week, I always felt the need to promote the posts more. I started caring a lot less as the month went on, and I think that's a good thing.
5. If I have time to blog everyday, I probably have time to exercise too. Or at least a few days a week. Okay, I probably knew that already, but I'm trying to force myself to put it in to practice. I've been to Zumba four times in the last eight days. That probably has more to do with better weather and the lack of Hebrew school commitments than blogging, but I'm choosing to make the connection. I can take the time to blog, and I should make the time to exercise.

The big question is whether I'll keep going. I'm not sure. Probably not. Maybe. It seems scarier to say I definitely will. There were days when it felt silly to publish something. But at the same time, I really liked it. It hasn't grown my audience, or had a huge impact on my pageviews, but I think it's been good for me. So I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't be surprised if I'm back here tomorrow.

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