
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Run and Run and Run and Run and Run

At Tot Shabbat, our friend Julia does an exercise with the kids where she does a physical activity, and then makes them stop. Eventually she gets to running and says, "What happens if you run and run and run and run and run and run and never stop?" and the kids reply "You get tired!" It's supposed to indicate the importance of Shabbat and taking some time to rest.

But my endless internal monologue spits back "You never stop? Then you're a working mommy."

Now I realize we've all got our things, and that feeling of never stopping is by no means limited to working moms. However, that's what resonates with me.

Since the start of 2011, I can't shake the feeling that I've been running quite a bit (but have yet to see any related weight loss - darn). Work has been insane. In a good way, as I very much prefer being busy, but it's just been a lot. Throw in four snow days and lots of commuting hassles and it's been a real challenge. I'm now working from home one day a week, and I think it's going to do wonders for my sanity, and I'm thankful to have that option.

Besides Hannah and Max's birthdays and parties, the kids have attended four birthday parties and had to turn down a few invitations as well. I went to Abby's book launch party and a Super Bowl party at Emily and Ari's. I participated in Sisterhood Shabbat and actually read a book (a rare event for me). I've tried to recruit people to attend our synagogue's first ever retreat, and agreed to be on a panel for our upcoming Yom Hashoah (Holocaust remembrance) event (hello, speaking in front of 1000 people!). Finally, I went to see the president of my favorite network, Bravo, speak at an event and have her validate my love of Real Housewives, house flippers and Tori & Dean. And of course, there's the usual shopping and schlepping, but I'm sure there's been more of that than usual too.

It's all been great and I've wanted to do everything, but at the same time it's been too much. There are too many Sundays spent running from one thing to the next, cramming in loads of laundry and doing dishes as I go. So this weekend I am determined to get in more down time. We have to pack for our trip, but I'm going to make a real effort not to make myself crazy. And while we're away, I am going to try really hard to enjoy being away and slow down and take in the moments.

Because my sneakers have worn through, and I'm not planning to buy another pair for a while.

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